Monday, October 4, 2010

My first post!!!!

Sitting in my stand last night I realized that I was just a small speck in the woods! There was so much going on that I missed an opportunity to take a nice doe. I have been hunting for around 24 years now and I have had many experiences and thoughts while sitting in my stand, but last night stood out! I had called in a small buck with what I feel is the BEST deer call on the market (more on that later), while enjoying watching him putter around sucking up acorns like a Hoover I noticed a couple of does to the east, then 2 more (smaller), I watched all of them for about an hour, it was AWESOME.Then my thoughts turned to God and most of all MY DAD!! If not for God I wouldnt be here enjoying all this beauty and wonder, the awesomness of it almost brought me to tears!!!!! Then i started reflecting on the times I have had in the field my DAD. He started taking us hunting when I was 14, I bought my very first gun at 15, he taught us everything!!!! And even at times he would take from his own hunting experiences to help us fill our own experiences, building stands, scouting locations and the multitude of other things that we did together. Then I heard a branch snap very close to my stand, out of my thoughts and back to hunting I realized that while I was "daydreaming" that a deer had snuck up on me, unfortunately when I slowly turned to see she BUSTED me, all I could do was laugh. I just hope that one day me and my children will have some of the same experiences that me and MY dad have had.

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